<p>能否处理好与领导的关系,是鉴定一名秘书工作好坏的关键,更是衡量一名秘书优秀与否的标准。作为一名秘书要处理好与领导的关系,不但自身必须具有一名秘书人员所应具备的技能水平和职业道德,更需要有具体领导具体分析的思维。由于个人的素质和经历不同,不同的领导就会有不同的领导风格,仔细分析每一位领导的不同性格,运用恰当的相处技巧,秘书才能与领导和谐地相处。<br/>How to get along well with your boss is a key to be a good secretary,which is also a standard to tell whether you are an excellent one or not.To be a secretary,one needs to get along well with his/her boss,not only to be personal skilled and with great profession morality,also needs to have the idea of actual leading and analysing ability.With various experiences and capabilities,different bosses have various leading styles,only by analysing carefully their characters,and with proper skills,a secretary can work with his/her boss harmoniously.</p><p>说句实话,你中文意思写的太烂,这是摆明了为难翻译的,太多重复的了。跟我写文章一样,说了一大堆,都是废话。挤数字的日子真难过~~~</p>
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