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     楼主| 发表于 2007-5-14 18:18:00 | 只看该作者
    <span class="bold">星座英语——约会风格</span><br/><br/><div style="FONT-SIZE: 12px;"><font face="Verdana"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff">ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)</font></font></b></b></font></b></font><br/>Rams are fiery, impulsive and active, so to please the Aries in your life, try taking them on a date that is </font><font face="Verdana">adventurous and fast-paced -- or short and sweet. Sports go over well, both playing and attending them. Spicy </font><font face="Verdana">food or games of any sort will keep the Ram's fires stoked. In the end, just keep in mind that people born under </font><font face="Verdana">the Sign of Aries like physical challenges and are looking for a dating experience that will reflect that. <br/><b>白羊:</b>羊儿热情冲动、积极活跃。因此要想取悦他们的话,你和他/她的约会一定要充满刺激,直截了当。一</font><font face="Verdana">块去运动是不错的选择。另外,带他/她品尝辛辣的食物或是参与任何形式的游戏也很对羊儿的胃口哦。最后</font><font face="Verdana">,一定要记住的是白羊座人喜欢能带来身体挑战乐趣的约会。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)</b></font></font></font></b></b><br/>Ready to spend some money? If you have a Taurus date, you'd better have a big pocket book or a rich imagination. Taureans like luxury, so do it up right -- expensive dinner, the theater, dessert and a foot massage might just earn you a permanent place on your Taurean's calendar. If you don't have the money, get creative- - make the experience feel rich, earthy and delicious. <br/><b>金牛:</b>准备好花钱了吗?如果你想和牛儿约会,一定要有鼓鼓的钱包或是丰富的想像力喔。牛儿喜欢奢华的生活,因此,无论是价格不菲的晚餐、一部电影大片,还是餐后甜点和足底按摩都会让她/他对你刮目相看。如果你没有经济实力的话,那就来点创意吧,一定要让对方觉得有意思才行。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)</b></font></font></b></b></font><br/>The first step to keeping up with a Gemini date is to put on your running shoes. Ready for change, fast and furious? Gemini's love variety and are the most curious Signs of the Zodiac. They want to be constantly stimulated mentally, yet they get bored quickly. So, take your Gemini out on an unusual date, or maybe a bunch of mini-dates, all in one night! Gemini's enjoy literary events, intellectual events and unique experiences.<br/><b>双子:</b>和双子座约会的第一步是穿起你的跑鞋,赶紧大步追上这个善变的对象。因为双子座人是在整个黄道带里最富好奇心的星座。他们希望不断地得到精神刺激,但是很快又会厌倦。那么,和他/她的约会一定要与众不同,也许一个小型的烛光晚宴是个不错的选择。切记,双子座喜欢独特且有深度的约会。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>CANCER (June 22 - July 22)</b></font></font></font></b></b><br/>Wait -- don't take that Cancer date anywhere. Cancers are emotional, sensitive and somewhat domestic. This is your chance to get romantic and somewhat traditional, and have those efforts be truly appreciated. Don't forget the rich fantasy life that the Crab in your life possesses -- put a little imagination into your efforts, whether that means more candles, incense and velvet table cloths, or perhaps a theme evening -- French food, movie and music.<br/><b>巨蟹:</b>耐心等待吧,不要带蟹子去任何地方。巨蟹座人大都敏感多情,还有一点居家。如果你的约会兼具浪漫和传统的话,一定会让他/她很开心。不要忘了蟹子也爱做白日梦哦,那么在你的约会里加一点创意,比如多些蜡烛,熏香和天鹅绒的桌布都能给对方惊喜;邀请他/她去看电影和听音乐会也是不错的主意。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Verdana"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)</b></font></font></font></b></b><br/>To keep your Leo date happy, there had better be some drama in your evening. Your Leo date will love dressing up to the nines, and needs to have an engaging and social event to attend. Cultural events will be popular with the Lion in your life, as will gambling or anything exciting. The key to a successful date with a Leo is to make them feel like royalty.<br/><b>狮子:</b>想让狮子开心的话,最好带他/她去看晚场的话剧。狮子座人喜欢把自己打扮地光鲜亮丽,这样可以在赴约时显得美丽动人。涉及文化或是任何令他/她感到兴奋的事都可以成为你与狮子座人约会的内容。与他/她成功约会的关键在于一定要让对方有居高临下的感觉。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Verdana"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)</b></font></font></font></b></b><br/>The key to romancing a Virgo is simple elegance -- take your date out for a tasteful, stylish evening. But don't be too spendy -- your Virgo will be embarrassed by splashy shows of money, and will be more impressed by value rather than amount. Also keep in mind that Virgo rules the house of health, so a date with physical activity (especially outdoors) will be a hit. Virgos also love animals, so a date that puts your Virgo in contact with them (like a trip to the zoo!) will earn you a smile. <br/><b>处女:</b>与处女约会的关键是要体现优雅-独特风格的晚宴最有可能俘获对方的芳心。但是不要太奢侈,处女座不喜欢随意挥霍钱财的人,他/她更容易被价值而不是数量所打动。还要记住的是,处女座人身处“健康宫“,因此与他/她的约会最好能涉及身体锻练(尤其是户外运动)。处女座人还很喜欢动物,带他们去动物园肯定也是不错的选择。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)</b></font></font></b></b><br/>Libra rules the House of Partnership, which means they tend to be socially inclined and more interested in other people than themselves. Your Libra will need you to have as much fun on your date as they are! Something social would be successful with a Libra date. Beauty and sensuality are important to Libras, so this is definitely the person for whom you want to bring flowers to the door.<br/><b>天秤:</b>天秤座身处“友情宫”,这意味着他们很愿意结交朋友,并且往往对别人比自己的事情更有兴趣。你得想尽办法让秤子高兴。多一些社交活动肯定能让他/她满意。天秤座人天生爱扮靓,因此要是看到你手捧鲜花站在他/她家门口等待约会的话,肯定乐开了花。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)</b></font></font></b></b><br/>Mystery is the name of Scorpio's game, so suspenseful games, movies or theater will be your ticket to a wonderful evening. In fact, holding one of those dinner mystery nights might be the perfect evening -- your Scorpio could act like someone else, figure out the mystery and spend some quality time with you -- all at once! Scorpios are also quite passionate, so don't be stingy with affection when you are having a good time. <br/><b>天蝎:</b>蝎子喜欢神秘的事物。因此,晚上约他们去看一场充满悬疑的电影一定是件很美妙的事。实际上,与蝎子共享一个神秘的晚宴也是好的选择。天蝎座人充满热情,与他/她在一起时千万不要吝啬自己的感情哦。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)</b></font></font></b>" y- Y, T7 j4 g
                            </b><br/>How to make your Sagittarius happy? Spontaneous trips to somewhere unusual -- the beach, the desert,&nbsp;&nbsp;you name it. They also love physical activity in the outdoors, so asking them to go hiking or camping will make you get noticed and appreciated. <br/><b>射手:</b>怎样让射手座开心呢?带他/她去海滩、沙漠这样与众不同的地方旅行吧。他们也很喜欢户外运动,和你一起去郊游和野营一定让他们兴奋不已。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)</b></font></font></b></b><br/>Capricorns can be conventional, but who said conventional couldn't be fun? Your classic date will go over well with the Capricorn in your life, so relax -- flowers, dinner and a movie would make a perfect and comfortable evening. Whatever you do, the goat in your life will appreciate an experience that feels affluent but doesn't cost a lot of money. Capricorns also enjoy a little one-on-one competition, so playing tennis or golf together might be just the ticket to romance after the game. <br/><b>摩羯:</b>摩羯座比较传统,但谁说传统的人就不能享受快乐呢?送鲜花、赴晚宴和看电影,这些浪漫的约会方式都很适用。无论你做什么,摩羯座人会为你精心的安排感到开心,但不要花太多的钱。摩羯座还喜欢一对一的娱乐方式,打网球或是高尔夫都是不错的选择喔。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)</b></font></font></b></b></b><br/>Taking an Aquarius out could be the easiest or hardest dating experience of your life. Aquarians like anything different, new, technological or progressive. If you are feeling up for it, take your Aquarius on an adventure date -- windsurfing, hang-gliding or spelunking. Get creative, and don't shy away from something intellectual -- your Aquarius will love you for it.<br/><b>水瓶:</b>与瓶子约会可能是你生命中最难也可能是最容易的事。瓶子喜欢新鲜、技术含量高的稀奇事情。如果你想讨好他/她,冒险刺激的约会是少不了的-可以尝试帆板运动、攀岩或山洞探险。只要是有创意,最好再带上点高科技的玩意肯定会让瓶子爱死你的。</font><br/><font face="Verdana"><b><b><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#0000ff"><b>ISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)</b></font></font></b>4 g  y% a! S. A
                            </b><br/>isceans are interested in everything that isn't quite real. Any date that involves the arts, from painting together to attending the theater, will make your Pisces smile. Romance will be appreciated by this Sign, so try a beach picnic with wine and cheese or high-tea in a garden. Whatever you do, put a little magic into your date -- creating the right mood will romance your Pisces more than any money you spend.<br/><b>双鱼:</b>鱼儿对任何不太真实的东西充满了兴趣。任何涉及艺术,如画画和欣赏戏剧这样的活动都能博得鱼儿嫣然一笑。这个星座的人喜欢浪漫,因此带上美酒和奶酪去海滩野餐一定会让他/她倍受感动。无论你做什么,在你的约会里加一点小小的创意也会让鱼儿开心不已。要知道在鱼儿看来,心灵的契合比物质上的宽裕更重要。</font></div>
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    发表于 2009-4-22 18:19:13 | 只看该作者
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