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象以往一样,Panda Software今年年底又发布了一份年度名单,上榜的是那些本年度最有特色的恶意程序们。 最有道德奖。这个奖项授予spyware Zcodec,这个程序会监视用户是否访问色情站点。这是一个简单方法,用来寻找频繁访问色情网站的人,进而可以向他们推送定制的广告。不过,也可能程序作者只是有窥阴癖而已。。。 最烂求职信奖。蠕虫Eliles.A到处发送个人简历,甚至发到了受害者们的手机里。从这一点看,我们对他的就业前景不抱太大希望。 第一标题党奖。耸人听闻的标题总是引起轰动,现在连病毒作者们也这么干了。这里面最过分的就是Nuwar.A病毒,它宣布了第三次世界大战爆发。 最顽强奖。人们总说再好的东西吃多了也会腻,不过很显然蠕虫Spamta家族的作者们从没听过这句话,否则他们早就应该停止一波又一波的散发他们那些代码基本相同的变种蠕虫了。' I; J) Z3 C5 d/ \, X
最强竞争力奖。Spyware Popuper只要侵入一台机器,就会在其上运行一份盗版知名杀毒软件,是用来清除机器上和自己竞争的其他恶意软件。看来统治权力的竞争已经蔓延到恶意软件世界了。 最勤奋奖。一般情况下,钓鱼信件主要用来收集机密信息,比如信用卡号码或者帐户存取信息,以便盗取受害者的钱财。但是,对 BarcPhish.HTML来说就没这么简单了,它做的更加过分,收集范围包括过期日期,信用卡校验数据,姓名,会员号,邮政编码,帐号等等。毋庸置疑,这个作者肯定相信多多益善的说法。 最BT偷窥者奖。这个奖的获得者除了WebMic.A外基本上没有其他选择。这个恶意程序通过连在电脑上的麦克和摄像头记录声音和画面,当然都是在不通知你的情况下。 最恶作剧奖。蠕虫Nebro.B看起来在入侵一台电脑后很无聊。因为这个原因它决定去修改程序图标,阻止访问工具软件,隐藏文件扩展名,删除开始菜单里的选项。。。尽量制造混乱。这么做也许能制造些乐子,不过肯定不是为那些受害者。 最纯洁奖。很多通过P2P网络扩散的恶意程序都会取一个有诱惑性的名字,来诱使受害者把文件下载到他们的机器里。所以这些程序的名字基本上都有色情的含义。但是FormShared.A是个例外,它可以随机从37000个文件名中选择一个,可是其中没有任何一个名字和sex有关。3 j. E% v' a8 S! y6 i: G5 I
最过时奖。看起来还有一些怀旧的病毒作者存在。病毒DarkFloppy.A的作者看起来就从来没听说过e-mail,即时消息软件,P2P软件之类的东西,所以他选择扩散病毒的方式是。。。软盘。这么做恐怕没什么大规模传染的可能吧? 最多元化奖。这个奖项众望所归得授予了Gatt.A,这个恶意程序可以入侵很多平台Windows,Linux等等。最不老实奖。SafetyBar看起来像是提供安全信息和安全软件下载的。实际上你只要装上之后,它就不停的警告你有攻击,实际上这些攻击根本不存在5 y: @3 d' V- o' l
原文:The Panda Software virus yearbook 2006As it does every year, Panda Software is publishing its annual list of those malicious codes which, although they may not have caused serious epidemics, have stood out in one way or another:8 k4 i$ @, `; X
- The most moralistic. This award goes to the spyware Zcodec which, among other actions, monitors whether users access certain web pages with pornographic content. This may simply be a way of determining whether the user is a frequent visitor to these types of pages in order to send personalized advertising. On the other hand, perhaps the author of the spyware just has voyeuristic tendencies.- The worst job applicant. The Eliles.A worm sends out CVs all over the place. It even sends them out to users’ cell phones. It would seem that it has little confidence in its own job prospects.- The most sensationalist. Sensational headlines have always made an impact, now they are even being used by viruses. Of all those that appeared in 2006, Nuwar.A wins hands down with its declaration of the start of the Third World War. - The most tenacious. They say that all good things come to an end. It's a shame that the creators of the Spamta worms haven’t heard the saying. Otherwise, they might have stopped sending wave after wave of almost identical variants of this malicious code. - The most competitive. Once the Popuper spyware has installed itself on a computer, it runs a pirate version of a well-known antivirus application. Far from trying to do the user a favor, it is actually trying to eliminate any possible rival from the computer. It seems that the fight for supremacy has also reached the world of Internet threats.- The most diligent. In general, phishing messages are aimed at gathering confidential information such as credit card numbers or account access details in order to steal money. However, this isn't the case with BarcPhish.HTML, which goes much further, collecting information including expiry dates, CVVs (Card Verification Value), last names, membership numbers, five-digit codes, account numbers, etc. No doubt the creator was thinking “better too much than too little…” - The biggest snooper. In this case, it was not a difficult choice. WebMic.A is a malicious code that can record sounds and images, using a microphone and WebCam connected to the computer. Of course this is not the sort of uninvited guest you would like to have on your PC.- The most mischievous. Nedro.B is a worm that seems to get bored after it has infected a computer. Perhaps that's why it decides to change icons, prevent access to tools, hide file extensions, delete options from the Start menu... and basically cause chaos. Maybe this seems entertaining to someone, but it certainly isn't for the users.
- The most chaste. Malicious codes that spread across P2P networks use enticing filenames in order to get users to download them voluntarily on to their computers. For this reason, many of these names have pornographic connotations. However, among the more than 37,000 different names used by FormShared.A, none of them make any reference to sex. That’s some kind of record. - The most archaic. Seemingly there are still some retro virus creators around. Whoever created the DarkFloppy.A worm appears not to have heard of e-mail, instant messaging or P2P systems, as the propagation methods they've chosen to spread this malicious code is… floppy disks. Not much chance of a massive epidemic then, is there? -The most promiscuous. This title goes without a doubt to Gatt.A. This malicious code can infect any platform that it is run on: Windows, Linux, etc.- The most deceitful. SafetyBar supposedly offers security information and anti-spyware downloads. However, the problem is that once downloaded, these programs then warn the user that the computer is infected by non-existent threats. |